Overview and Degree Map

Associate of Science in Forestry
The Associate of Science degree in Forestry is for students who are interested in transferring to a four-year program in Forestry.
This degree has been designed so that students will have completed most courses required for the Baccalaureate Core and the prerequisite requirements for Oregon State University’s Professional School in Forestry upon graduation from TBCC.
For students who are interested in earning a shorter certificate in Forest Technology, please see the Agriculture and Natural Resources degree program. This is a good option for students who want to get into the workforce more quickly. All of the courses in the Forest Technology Certificate can be applied to the Associate of Science in Forestry and to the AAS degree in Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Associate of Science in Forestry = 96 Credits
Forest Technology Pathway Certificate = 27 Credits
- The certificate can be the first step into the degree or get students into the workforce more quickly. The certificate also bridges to the AAS in Agriculture and Natural Resources degree. See certificate courses and outcomes.
For additional information, please contact the OSU Open Campus Education Coordinator/Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Coordinator at 503-842-8222 ext. 1870.
Degree Worksheet