Overview and Degree Map

Agriculture & Natural Resources (AAS)
Have you ever thought about a career in agriculture, natural resources, forestry, fish and wildlife, or food science? If you have, the AAS degree in Agriculture and Natural Resources might be the program for you.
TBCC is the perfect place to study agriculture and natural resources, or animal science due to its location. There are employment opportunities available through private industry, farming, and with the state and federal agencies located right here. If your goal is to earn a bachelor’s degree, TBCC partners with Oregon State University so that you can take classes at OSU and TBCC at the same time or transfer.
If you are interested in this option, you can contact the OSU Open Campus Coordinator and TBCC Agriculture & Natural Resources Program Coordinator at (503) 842-8222 ext. 1870. High school students can take some courses for college credit. Contact your high school counselor to learn what is available.
TBCC offers a Career Pathway Certificate in Forest Technology. All courses in the certificate also count toward the degree.
Degree Worksheet
Associate of Applied Science Degree in Agriculture and Natural Resources = 90 Credits
Forest Technology Career Pathway Certificate = 27 Credits
- The certificate can be the first step into the degree or get students into the workforce more quickly. The certificate also bridges to the AS degree in Forestry.
Year 1
TBCC guarantees, at a minimum, the following courses each quarter for the completion of the Associate of Applied Science: Agriculture & Natural Resources. A student can transfer in or take other courses that meet the requirements.
Fall Term
WR 121 | English Composition I | 4 |
CG 100 | College Survival and Success | 3 |
| General Education, Arts and Letters (MUS 108 recommended for OSU transfer) | 3-4 |
AG 101 | Orientation to Agricultural Careers | 1 |
ANS 121 | Introduction to Animal Science | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15-16 |
Winter Term
CAS 133 | Basic Computer Skills/Microsoft Off | 4 |
MTH 111 | College Algebra | 5 |
| General Education/Program Elective/Other Elective, (HST 203 recommended for OSU transfer) | 3-4 |
AG 211 | Survey and Construction | 3 |
| Agriculture, Natural Resources, or Forestry Elective | 3-4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
Spring Term
| General Education, Social Science (SOC 206 recommended for OSU transfer) | 4 |
| Agriculture, Natural Resources, or Forestry Elective | 3-4 |
HE 295 | Health and Fitness for Life | 2 |
PE 295 | Health and Fitness for Life Lab | 1 |
SOIL 205 | Soil Science | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Year 2
Fall Term
BI 101 | Biology | 4 |
COMM 111 | Public Speaking | 4 |
AG 221 | Metals and Welding | 3 |
HORT 111 | Introduction to Horticulture | 3 |
| General Education/Program Elective/Other Elective, (ENG 104 recommended for OSU transfer) | 3-4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 18 |
Winter Term
BI 102 | Biology | 4 |
EC 201 | Principles of Economics: Microeconomics | 4 |
WR 227 | Technical and Professional Writing | 4 |
LEAD 242 | Personal Leadership Development | 3 |
| Agriculture, Natural Resources, or Forestry Elective | 3-4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 14-17 |
BI 102: BI 212 recommended for OSU Transfer or BI 205 through OSU Ecampus
Spring Term
BI 103 | Biology | 4 |
| Agriculture, Natural Resources, or Forestry Elective | 3-4 |
| Agriculture, Natural Resources, or Forestry Elective | 3-4 |
| Agriculture, Natural Resources, or Forestry Elective | 3-4 |
| General Education/Program Elective/Other Elective, (ENG 106 recommended for OSU transfer) | 3-4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |