Overview and Degree Map

Associate of Science (AS)
The Associate of Science Oregon Transfer degree is for students who are interested in transferring to a four-year degree program at an Oregon public university. You have more freedom in choosing courses than in the Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree. It is not guaranteed that you will have completed all of the General Education requirements for the university.
Visit a TBCC career education advisor and also talk to an advisor at the university where you plan to transfer. The university advisor will be able to tell you about the requirements for the university.
Degree Worksheet
AS Requirements
Comprehensive Requirements
- You need a minimum of 90 credits to graduate. All courses must have a number of “100” or above.
- Resident Coursework Requirement: Overall, at least 30 credits of satisfactory coursework toward your degree must be earned at TBCC.
- A 2.0 grade point average (C average) is required to graduate.
- Associate Degree Comprehensive Requirement limits:
- TBCC courses approved to be repeated for credit can only be used once to count toward the degree. However, you can repeat Cooperative Education for a max of 12 credits.
- If a general education course is split into multiple courses, i.e., a 101 course becomes 101A, 101B, and 101C, only one can be used to meet the General Education requirement.
- Max 12 credits of Cooperative Education can count toward degree.
- Max nine credits of 199 or 299, experimental courses, count toward degree.
Specific Requirements
Complete WR 121 with a grade of “C” or better, or pass a writing course that has WR 121 or WR 122 as a prerequisite with a letter grade of “C” or better.
one course –
MTH 105 | Explorations in Mathematics | 4 |
or a MTH for which Intermediate Algebra is a prerequisite. Must be four credits.
and one credit (100 level or above) of Physical Education (PE)
or complete
HE 295 | Health and Fitness for Life | 2 |
| and | |
PE 295 | Health and Fitness for Life Lab | 1 |
*Basic Writing and Math competency are met with these courses.
General Education Requirements
You must earn a minimum of 21 credits of General Education.
You need at least seven credits in each of these areas:
- Social Sciences
- Arts & Letters
- Mathematics, Sciences & Computer Studies
Elective Credit Requirements
You must select elective courses to reach a total of 90 credits from career technical or transfer courses. There is a maximum of three PE credits permitted. No more than 12 credits of Career & Technical Education may be used.
TBCC guarantees, at a minimum, the following courses each quarter for the completion of the Associate of Science Degree.
A student can transfer in or take other courses that meet the requirements.
Year 1
Fall Term
WR 121 | English Composition I | 4 |
MTH 111 | College Algebra | 5 |
CG 100 | College Survival and Success | 3 |
BA 101 | Introduction to Business | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Winter Term
WR 122 | English Composition II | 4 |
ART 103 | Understanding New Media Arts | 4 |
| | |
MTH 112 | Elementary Functions | 5 |
| or | |
CAS 170 | Beginning Excel | 3 |
| | |
HST 102 | Western Civilization: Medieval to Early Modern | 4 |
| or | |
HST 203 | History of the United States from 1914 | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15-17 |
Spring Term
COMM 111 | Public Speaking | 4 |
| | |
ENG 250 | Introduction to Folklore and Mythology | 4 |
| or | |
WR 227 | Technical and Professional Writing | 4 |
| | |
ART 101 | Understanding Architecture | 4 |
| or | |
MUS 105 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
| or | |
MUS 205 | Introduction to Jazz History | 3 |
| | |
BA 277 | Business Ethics | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15-16 |
Year 2
Fall Term
BI 101 | Biology | 4 |
| or | |
GS 108 | Physical Science (Oceanography) | 4 |
| | |
PSY 201 | Introduction to Psychology, Part I | 4 |
| or | |
PSY 101 | Psychology and Human Relations | 4 |
| | |
PE 182A | Beginning Group Fitness | 1 |
| or | |
PE 182B | Intermediate Group Fitness | 1 |
| | |
ENG 104 | Introduction to Literature (Fiction) | 4 |
| | |
MUS 108 | Music Cultures of the World | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Winter Term
HE 250 | Personal Health | 3 |
EC 201 | Principles of Economics: Microeconomics | 4 |
| | |
PS 201 | US Government: Foundations and Principles | 4 |
| or | |
ENG 254 | Survey of American Literature | 4 |
| | |
COMM 140 | Introduction to Intercultural Communication | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Spring Term
PSY 239 | Introduction to Abnormal Psychology | 4 |
EC 202 | Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics | 4 |
BA 205 | Business Communication | 4 |
| | |
G 202 | Physical Geology | 4 |
| or | |
HST 202 | History of the United States from 1840-1914 | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Courses offered during the Day (D), evening (E), online (OL) or as a hybrid of online and in class learning (HY).