Overview and Degree Map

Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT)
The Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree is for students who are interested in earning a four-year degree at an Oregon public university. The AAOT allows you to complete some of your degree requirements at TBCC.
If you graduate with an AAOT you will have met most if not all of the lower division General Education requirements of bachelor’s degree programs at any Oregon public university.
Students transferring with an AAOT will transfer to any Oregon public university with junior status for registration purposes. Course, class standing or GPA requirements for specific majors, departments or schools are not necessarily satisfied by an AAOT degree.
For the best transfer experience, work with a career education advisor to select your courses. It is important to take courses at TBCC that align with your planned major and program of study and requirements of the Oregon public university where you want to attend.
Degree Worksheet
AAOT Degree Requirements:
Comprehensive Requirements
- You need a minimum of 90 credits to graduate. All courses must have a number of “100” or above.
- Resident Coursework Requirement: Overall, at least 30 credits of satisfactory coursework toward your degree must be earned at TBCC.
- A 2.0 grade point average (C average) is required to graduate. All courses require a grade of “C” or better.
- Associate Degree Comprehensive Requirement limits are:
- TBCC courses approved to be repeated for credit can only be used once to count toward the degree. However, you can repeat Cooperative Education for a maximum of 12 credits.
- If a general education course is split into multiple courses, i.e., a 101 course becomes 101A, 101B, and 101C, only one can be used to meet the General Education requirement.
- Max 12 credits of Cooperative Education can count toward degree.
- Max nine credits of 199 or 299, experimental courses, count toward degree.
- Max of 12 credits of career technical education (CTE) courses can count toward degree.
AAOT degree requirements consist of:
- Foundational requirements
- General Education/Discipline Studies, AND
- Degree electives
for a total of 90 credits minimum. The chart on the next page summarizes the number of credits required within each category.
Degree Summary
Details for each category in the above chart are listed below.
Category | Credit Total |
Foundational Requirements | 19 |
General Education/Discipline Studies | 44 |
Degree Electives | At least 27 |
Total Credits for Degree (Minimum) | 90 |
Foundational Requirements
Each course must be a minimum of three credits (except for Health/ Wellness/Fitness which may be any number of credits).
Complete with a grade of “C“ or better:
and either
WR 122 | English Composition II | 4 |
| or | |
WR 227 | Technical and Professional Writing | 4 |
Oral Communication:
MTH 105 | Explorations in Mathematics | 4 |
or higher for which Intermediate Algebra is a prerequisite.
One or more courses totaling at least three credits from
HE 250 | Personal Health | 3 |
HE 295 | Health and Fitness for Life | 2 |
PE 295 | Health and Fitness for Life Lab | 1 |
or PE (not including PE 10, 199, or 299).
*Basic Writing and Math competency and Information Literacy requirements are satisfied by successfully completing the above courses.
General Education/Discipline Studies Requirements
You must take 11 Discipline Studies courses from the General Education/ Discipline Studies List found on pages 70. Each course must have at least three credits.
Courses count toward EITHER Foundational Requirements OR Discipline Studies but not both.
Arts & Letters Area
Complete at least three courses from at least two disciplines.
Social Science Area
Complete at least four courses from at least two disciplines in the Social Science area.
Math/Science/Computer Science Area
Complete at least four courses, selected from at least two disciplines in the Science/Math/Computer Science area. At least three must be lab courses in biology and/or physical sciences.
Cultural Literacy
Select one course that is designated as meeting the Cultural Literacy requirement. This course can be one of the 11 required Discipline Studies Courses.
Elective Credit Requirements
You must select elective courses to reach a total of 90 credits from career technical or transfer courses. There is a maximum of three PE credits.
- 12 credits maximum of career and technical education courses may be applied to this degree (CTE course prefixes are listed on page 73 of this catalog).
- One credit Managerial Skills Development workshops may not be used.
- A maximum of three credits of physical education (PE) courses may be used.
TBCC guarantees, at a minimum, the following courses each quarter for the completion of the Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree.
A student can transfer in or take other courses that meet the requirements.
Year 1
Fall Term
BA 101 | Introduction to Business | 4 |
WR 121 | English Composition I | 4 |
MTH 111 | College Algebra | 5 |
CG 100 | College Survival and Success | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Winter Term
WR 122 | English Composition II | 4 |
ART 103 | Understanding New Media Arts | 4 |
MTH 112 | Elementary Functions | 5 |
| | |
HST 102 | Western Civilization: Medieval to Early Modern | 4 |
| or | |
HST 203 | History of the United States from 1914 | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
Spring Term
COMM 111 | Public Speaking | 4 |
BA 277 | Business Ethics | 4 |
| | |
ENG 250 | Introduction to Folklore and Mythology | 4 |
| or | |
WR 227 | Technical and Professional Writing | 4 |
| | |
ART 101 | Understanding Architecture | 4 |
| or | |
MUS 105 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
| or | |
MUS 205 | Introduction to Jazz History | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15-16 |
Year 2
Fall Term
BI 101 | Biology | 4 |
| or | |
GS 108 | Physical Science (Oceanography) | 4 |
| | |
MUS 108 | Music Cultures of the World | 3 |
| | |
PSY 201 | Introduction to Psychology, Part I | 4 |
| or | |
PSY 101 | Psychology and Human Relations | 4 |
| | |
ENG 104 | Introduction to Literature (Fiction) | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Winter Term
BI 102 | Biology | 4 |
EC 201 | Principles of Economics: Microeconomics | 4 |
HE 250 | Personal Health | 3 |
| | |
HST 102 | Western Civilization: Medieval to Early Modern | 4 |
| or | |
COMM 140 | Introduction to Intercultural Communication | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Spring Term
BI 103 | Biology | 4 |
EC 202 | Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics | 4 |
| | |
PSY 239 | Introduction to Abnormal Psychology | 4 |
| or | |
HST 202 | History of the United States from 1840-1914 | 4 |
| | |
BA 205 | Business Communication | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Courses offered during the Day (D), evening (E), online (OL) or as a hybrid of online and in class learning (HY).