2020-2021 College Catalog

Grievance Procedure

Grievance Procedure

A. Introduction

Students enrolled at Tillamook Bay Community College may use the Grievance Procedure to challenge decisions and/or actions taken by college faculty and staff that are alleged to violate their rights as defined in the College Catalog. Any other complaint about College services, programs, or activities not addressed in the College Catalog or Policy should be put in writing and sent to the Director/Officer designated in the chart above.

Programs based on contracts with government agencies or external funding sources may adopt separate grievance procedures consistent with Tillamook Bay Community College’s Grievance Procedure, the program’s goals, and the principle of due process for all parties.

The student will be allowed to have an advocate of his/her choice (such as a Tillamook Bay Community College Advisor, or student government representative) present in meetings throughout the grievance process.  Advocates are not permitted to present the case, but may advise the student.  Both the College and the student may seek legal advice at their own expense; however, neither the College nor the student shall be represented by a lawyer during any grievance meeting or hearing involving the College and the student.

Concerns involving harassment or discrimination by a College staff member on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status should be directed to the College's Affirmative Action Officer. Concerns involving harassment or discrimination by a student on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status should be directed to the Director of Student Services.

B.    Grievance Procedure

Step 1:   Communicate with the Faculty/Staff Member:

  1. The student is encouraged to communicate with the faculty/staff member involved. They may communicate with any person with whom they feel most comfortable, based upon level of trust and relationship. The person may become their advocate. The advocate can support, though not communicate for, the student throughout the process. The issue must be brought to the initial review (see chart) within 30 calendar days of the event that is the subject of the grievance/complaint. Otherwise, the student forfeits the right to grieve the issue.  The student is encouraged to put the grievance in writing, including a specific description of the problem, the reasons the student believes his/her rights have been violated as defined in the College Catalog, and a proposed remedy.

Step 2:   Chief Student Services Officer or the Chief Academic Officer

  1. In cases where the problem is not resolved through direct communication with the faculty/staff member involved, the student will submit a Grievance Form obtained from the Chief Academic Officer or the Chief Student Services Officer with supporting evidence, to the CAO or CSSO within 14 calendar days of the communication with the faculty/staff member.  The CAO or CSSO will review the grievance.
  2. Within 14 calendar days, the CAO or CSSO will objectively investigate the grievance, consult and share appropriate information with all involved parties, consider relevant evidence, and render a decision in writing to the student and the College President.

Step 3:   Appeal to the College President

  1. The student may appeal the decision in Step 2 if (1) Tillamook Bay Community College procedures were not followed or (2) there is relevant evidence that was not available during Step 2.  An appeal must be made within 14 calendar days to the College President.  The student must submit written justification for further review and provide evidence that there are grounds for the appeal.
  2. The President will objectively investigate how the grievance process was conducted in Step 2, consult with all involved parties, and consider relevant evidence that was not available or not considered during Step 2, and render a decision in writing within 10 business days of the appeal.  The decision will be final and not subject to appeal.
  3. Reporting, Recording, and Maintaining Records
    When the grievance is concluded, all documentation shall be forwarded to the director of student services, who will maintain them as part of student records in accordance with the state archival policies.

Process for filing a grievance