2020-2021 College Catalog

Children on Campus

Children are defined as all persons under the age of 18 unless enrolled in a course.

A child on property owned or leased by the college must be enrolled in a course and/or under the direct supervision of the child’s parent or guardian or college staff at all times.

Children of an enrolled student may not attend a course without the advance permission of the course instructor.

Children may not be present independently on property owned or leased by the college. College staff will take appropriate action, including, if necessary, the notification of law enforcement authorities, if a child is unattended on college property or in college facilities.

College staff, including instructors, may not bring children to their worksite except in the case of an emergency and with the permission of their supervisor.

Concerns regarding the presence of children on campus should be brought to the attention of the chief academic officer. TBCC Policy, Article No. 202.4