2018-2019 College Catalog


A complete listing of TBCC degree and certificate programs and transfer disciplines is found on the Degrees, Certificates & Apprenticeships page of this catalog.

To earn an associate degree or a certificate, students must meet the requirements in the catalog that is current when they earn their first credit(s) at TBCC, unless they choose to meet the requirements of a later catalog. However, students who do not earn at least one TBCC credit each academic year lose the right to meet the requirements of their original catalog. They must then meet requirements of the current catalog at the time they resume work on their degree or certificate at TBCC, or a later catalog. If a student has not been consecutively enrolled (earning at least one credit per academic year) at the time of degree or certificate completion, he/she must meet the requirements of the most current catalog.

Students at TBCC will receive degrees and/or certificates based upon an institutional awarding standard. The college will grant degrees and/ or certificates upon completion of requirements for the student’s recorded program of study. Opting out of an institutional award requires completing the appropriate request through the Student Services Office. Multiple credentials may be institutionally awarded within a student’s program of study.

An edition of the TBCC catalog is valid for six academic years. However, some programs may impose shorter time limits on accepting credits for degree or certificate requirements.

A formal commencement ceremony is held at the end of spring term. All students graduating in the current academic year (fall, winter, spring and summer) are eligible to participate if they have applied by the deadline and the application has not been denied. Information regarding cap and gown purchases is emailed to students who have applied and is also available at the TBCC Student Services Office or by contacting Student Services at (503) 842-8222 ext. 1100 or studentservices@tillamookbaycc.edu.

Graduating students will receive diplomas by mail from TBCC eight to ten weeks after the degree or certificate has been awarded. The diploma will be mailed to the address of record for the student. Please contact the Student Services Office if there is an address change. Students must clear all debts to the college before their degree or certificate will be awarded.