2018-2019 College Catalog

Credit for Prior Learning

College Level Entrance Examination Program (CLEP)

Students enrolled at TBCC may receive credit for certain college courses by submitting official scores from the College Level Entrance Examination Program (CLEP). TBCC accepts CLEP scores for some, but not all, subject areas. Further information on how and where CLEP exams may be taken can be found at the following website: www.collegeboard.com/testing/

Military Service Credit

TBCC awards college credit for military training and coursework based on ACE (American Council on Education) credit recommendations included in military transcripts. This is done at the discretion of TBCC career technical faculty and transfer credit evaluators. Transcripts from Community College of the Air Force and the Defense Language Institute, which are regionally-accredited institutions, are processed as standard transfer credit.

Military Service Physical Education Credit

Students who do not submit a transcript for evaluation may earn two credits of physical education credit upon the submission of a DD214 along with the military credit request form.