2024-2025 College Catalog

Overview of Comprehensive Degree Requirements

General Education Statement

General Education is a major part of the college’s commitment to the process of lifelong learning and development of educated citizens. The purpose of General Education is to introduce students to the discipline areas of Arts and Letters; Social Science; and Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science. General Education is valued for developing a student’s understanding of culture and how it relates to other cultures, appreciation of history both from a global perspective and from a personal perspective, understanding of self and natural and technological environments, ability to reason qualitatively and quantitatively, ability to conceptually organize experience and discern its meaning, aesthetic and artistic values, and understanding of the ethical and social requirements of responsible citizenship.

General Education Waiver for Prior Degree

The general education requirements will be waived for students who enroll at TBCC with an AA, AGS, AS, BA, BS degree or higher from a regionally accredited United States institution. General education requirements for some certificates or associate of applied science degrees may not be waived. Students should consult with a Success Coach for specific courses required to meet General Education requirements.

Three vs. Four Credit Courses

For degrees and certificates requiring specific lower division collegiate (LDC) courses, a three credit version of the same course is accepted instead of the four credit version in many cases.

Experimental Courses

Courses numbered 99, 199, and 299 are called “experimental courses.” While these courses may count for graduation at TBCC, they may not be acceptable for transfer to other colleges or universities.

Prerequisite Courses

Most lower division collegiate courses have standard prerequisites.

Reading/Writing: successful completion (“C” or better) of RDWR 115 (or placement above these levels) and placement into or completion of WR 121.

Math: successful completion (“C” or better) of MTH 20, 70 or 95 (can be earned in MTH 99).

A grade of “D,” “F” or “NP” in a standard prerequisite course will not satisfy the requirement.

NOTE: Based on placement information and/or past success rates, students who place into levels below WR 121 or MTH 111 may be required to enroll in tutoring student success sections (no tuition or fees) and participate at least one hour a week in these sections. These sections are designed to increase student success and build a strong foundation for success in subsequent coursework. Studies nationwide and across the state in Oregon have shown that students who enroll in supplementary tutoring sessions have a greater chance to succeed at these courses and complete their educational goals.

Some courses may have higher requirements and/or additional prerequisites as appropriate. See individual course prerequisites. Instructors may waive prerequisites on a case-by-case basis.

Degrees & Majors

TBCC students declare a major when they complete the college application. Some students find that once they start their education their interests change. Students have the option to change their major accordingly during the registration period prior to each term. A student’s declared major can impact his/her eligibility for financial aid and the awarding of a degree or certificate. We encourage you to meet with a career education advisor or a financial aid advisor if you have questions about your major at any time.

Change of degree/certificate/major is available through the online student portal MyTBCC on the student tab. A change of degree/certificate/major changes your catalog rights to the most current year, as explained below.

Associate degrees require a minimum of 90 credits in coursework numbered “100” or above to complete the degree and graduate. At least thirty credits of the coursework earned toward the degree, with a satisfactory grade, must be earned at TBCC.

Catalog Editions

TBCC operates on the quarter system. A new edition of the TBCC Catalog is published and dated with each academic year, which begins in summer term and ends with the following spring term.

To earn an associate degree or a certificate, students must meet the requirements in the catalog that is in effect when they earn their first credit(s) at TBCC, unless they choose to meet the requirements of a later catalog. This is what is known as “catalog rights.” However, students who do not earn at least one TBCC credit that applies to their degree requirements each academic year lose the right to meet the requirements of their original catalog. They must then meet requirements of the catalog current at the time they start taking courses again toward their degree or certificate at TBCC, or the current catalog at the time of graduation. Therefore, when they change their degree or major, their “catalog rights” also change to current catalog.

An edition of the catalog is valid for six academic years. For example, a catalog that takes effect summer term 2013 is only valid through spring term 2019. However, some programs have shorter time limits on accepting credits for some degree or certificate requirements. Occasionally the college may change courses and course numbers within a program. Students should review the catalog and talk with a career education advisor regularly about their course of study.

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this catalog, Tillamook Bay Community College has the right to make changes at any time without prior notice. This catalog is not a contract between TBCC and current or prospective students.

Petitioning for Graduation & Paying College Debts

Students at TBCC will receive degrees and/or certificates based on an awarding standard set by TBCC. The college will grant degrees and/or certificates upon completion of requirements for the student’s recorded program of study or major. A formal commencement or graduation ceremony is held at the end of spring term. All students graduating in the current academic year (summer, fall, winter, spring) are eligible to participate if they have applied by the deadline and the application has been accepted.

Graduating students will receive diplomas by mail from TBCC eight to ten weeks after the degree or certificate has been awarded. The diploma will be mailed to the address of record for the student. Please contact the TBCC Student Services Office if there is an address change. Students must clear all debts to the college before their degree or certificate will be awarded.

Career Pathway Certificates

Some career technical degrees offer certificates ranging from 12-44 credits to students who complete the specific course of study with a minimum 2.0 grade point average. All courses in the Career Pathway Certificates count toward the Associate of Applied Science Degree. A complete list of career and technical certificates available at TBCC can be found under degrees, certificates and apprenticeship page.

One-Year Certificates

One-year certificate requirements:

  • At least 12 credits must be earned at TBCC, nine of which must count toward the certificate.
  • Max of 12 credits of “P” (Pass) grades may be applied. One year certificates that have more than 12 max will state their Pass/No Pass max in the requirements for that one year certificate.
  • Max of 12 credits of Cooperative Education courses may be applied.
  • Max of nine credits of 199 and 299 experimental courses may be applied.

Course Guarantee

TBCC guarantees, at a minimum, the courses listed in the two-year map for each term. Students are welcome to transfer in or to take other courses that meet the requirements. Please work with a Success Coach to confirm the courses meet the requirements. We may offer electives, based on enrollment, beyond what is provided in our core guaranteed two-year plan. These electives will be included each term in the published Schedule of Classes and are not part of the minimum guarantee to complete.

Please reference the degree map and requirements for any degree/certificate for which you wish to apply by using the left navigational tab and clicking on the degree/certificate of interest.