2020-2021 College Catalog

Admission to Take Credit Courses

Tillamook Bay Community College has an open admissions policy, meaning that anyone may enroll at the college. We welcome students from all backgrounds who wish to obtain a quality education, and we are here to help you be successful. Students are admitted into credit-level instruction based on one or more of the following criteria. If you have questions about this process, please contact Student Services by either calling (503) 842-8222 ext. 1100, emailing studentservices@ tillamookbaycc.edu, or visiting 4301 Third St. Tillamook.

1. Placement Assessment

  • For accurate college course placement, reading, writing, and math skills must be assessed before registration. Course placements will be decided by reviewing multiple methods of assessment. Any combination of the following will be used: a previous college transcript or degree, Smarter Balanced test scores of 3 or 4 (with approved high school courses as needed), SAT, ACT, or other college placement assessments.

2. High School Graduation

  • Public high school students must graduate from standard high schools.1 Private high school students must graduate from accredited high schools.2


1Standard high schools are public high schools that are certified as meeting specified levels of resources, services, and quality established by the Oregon Department of Education.

2Accredited high schools are those that are reviewed and recognized by a regional entity, such as the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, as meeting an appropriate level of academic rigor and support.

3. Graduates of Nonstandard or Unaccredited High Schools or Home-Schooled Students

  • Graduates of nonstandard or unaccredited high schools must qualify for admission by meeting AccuPlacer score requirements and submitting a Home School Course Verification Worksheet signed by the applicant and parent/guardian.

4. GED Completion

  • Achieve passing GED scores in all five sub-assessments and meet the completion criteria.