2019-2020 College Catalog

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

To continue receiving financial aid you need to maintain SAP, which includes:

  • Maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  • Successful completion of two-thirds of attempted credits each term.
  • Ability to complete declared degree or certificate within 150% maximum time frame limit.

Two-Thirds Completion Chart

Credits Attempted Must Successfully complete
19 13
17-18 12
16 11
14-15 10
13 9
11-12 8
10 7
8-9 6
7 5
5-6 4
4 3
2-3 2
1 1

Passing grades include: A, B, C, D and P (pass). The following grades are considered attempted but not completed or passing credits: F, NP (no pass), W (withdraw), and I (incomplete).

Withdrawal, lack of attendance in classes, and other non-completion of classes may require a student to repay financial aid received from Title IV programs.

The Financial Aid Office reviews academic performance each term, and if a student fails to maintain any of the requirements listed above, the student will be placed on SAP Warning and in some cases, suspension.


If a student’s cumulative GPA dropped below a 2.0, and/or the student did not complete two-thirds (66.67%) of all attempted credits in a term, and the student is able to graduate within 150% maximum time frame limit, a student is able to receive financial aid while on financial aid warning status, but must meet SAP standards during that term of enrollment to remain eligible for subsequent financial aid.


If a student did not meet SAP standards while in Warning or Probation status, or it is determined that the student will not be able to graduate within 150% maximum time frame limit, or a student in Financial Aid Academic Plan status fails to follow the plan, the student is not eligible to receive financial aid while on Financial Aid Suspension.


Only granted upon the approval of a Financial Aid SAP Appeal, probation status allows a student to receive financial aid for one term. The student must meet SAP standards by the end of that term to remain eligible for subsequent financial aid.

Probation with Academic Plan

Only granted upon the approval of a SAP Appeal with the condition the student follows a learning contract. The student is eligible to receive financial aid as long as the student continues to follow the academic plan and maintains Satisfactory Academic Progress.