2019-2020 College Catalog

How to Get Started at TBCC


Tillamook Bay Community College has an open admissions policy meaning: anyone may enroll at the college. We welcome students from all backgrounds who wish to obtain a quality education and we are here to help you be successful.

Tillamook Bay Community College mantiene una politica de matricula abierta y da bienvenido a los estudiantes con todo tipo de fondo educativo.

Previous college experience or a high school diploma is not necessary for entry. However a high school diploma or GED is required to be eligible for federal and state financial aid. Enrollment in degree or certificate programs is open to students who provide evidence of suitable preparation for coursework at the college level. You can find the complete criteria outlined in the Student Processes & Resources section.

We are committed to providing an environment that allows all students to develop to their fullest potential. If you have questions please ask. We are here to help.

Steps to Become a TBCC Student

There are three basic steps to becoming a student at TBCC:

  1. Complete an admissions application
  2. Attend a new student orientation

Each of these steps is explained below in a quick start format. Additional information about the admissions process to take credit courses and paying for and/or financing your education is found in Students Processes & Resources.

Throughout the catalog, you will be referred to MYTBCC to complete actions or find additional information. MyTBCC is our student portal and can be accessed by clicking the link to MyTBCC on http://www.tillamookbaycc.edu. It is an important resource where you will register for classes each term and find links and information to support your success at TBCC. In order to fully access MyTBCC you will need your username and password which are emailed to the personal email account that you provided when submitting your admissions application.

Admissions Quick Start

Step 1 Complete An Admissions Application

To start the process of becoming a student at TBCC, we need to learn more about you.

You will need to complete an online admissions application to give us the information to start your student record.

Admissions applications are available on the TBCC website in the admissions section. There are three categories for students applying for admissions:

Credit: Students planning to enroll in credit courses or planning to earn a degree or certificate.

High School: Students who are attending high school/home school and are applying to take a credit course.

Non-Credit: Students interested in taking community education courses for personal interest, pre-college learning courses, GED preparation, or English for Speakers of Other Languages.

Select which category applies to you and fill out the admissions application If you have a question, or if you do not have access to the internet and need a paper copy of an application, contact Student Services at (503) 842-8222 ext. 1100, visit them at our main campus, 4301 Third Street, Tillamook or email studentservices@tillamookbaycc.edu.

Step 2, Meet with an Advisor

For accurate college course placement, an academic advisor must review a student’s current reading, writing, and math skill levels.  Course placements will be decided using multiple methods of skill assessment, including any combination of the following:  

  1. previous college transcripts; 
  2. Smarter Balanced test scores in combination with a high school transcript;
  3. SAT/ACT scores;
  4. AccuPlacer assessment or any other college placement test scores, and
  5. an interview with the student.  

TBCC is also able to administer placement testing through the TBCC Library.  The assessment is used to gauge a student’s academic strengths and is not a “pass or fail” kind of test.  This assessment is simply used to find the most accurate course placement in reading, writing, and math.  To take a placement test here at TBCC, contact our librarian at 503-842-8222, ext. 1720, or visit our library for more information

Step 3 New Student Orientation

All new students taking credit courses must complete a new student orientation. The sign up for new student orientation is located on the Admissions tab of MyTBCC. Dates and times are also published in the TBCC Schedule of Classes each term.

If you have questions about this process please contact Student Services by either emailing studentservices@tillamookbaycc.edu, calling (503) 842-8222 ext. 1100, or visiting them at 4301 Third Street, Tillamook.

Additional Enrollment Information

A student under the age of 18 who has not graduated from high school or earned a GED must have his or her parent(s) fill out the High School and TBCC Concurrent Enrollment form. A student 15 years old or younger needs to submit the completed Underage Student Enrollment Agreement and schedule a meeting for the student and parents with a career education advisor. Please contact career education advising at 503-842-8222 ext.1140 if you have questions.

Any individual may be denied admission or continued admission if the appropriate college procedure indicates that the individual cannot benefit from the instruction desired.

Enrollment levels at Tillamook Bay Community College are as follows:

Full-Time = 12 credits or more per term

Three-Quarter-Time = 9 to 11 credits per term

Half-Time = 6 to 8 credits per term

Less Than Half-Time = 5 credits or below per term

Registration into Courses

Each term TBCC publishes a Schedule of Classes. The Schedule of Classes is located on the TBCC website and printed versions are available at the college and mailed to all residential addresses in the county. To support you in your success, and to make sure that students are adequately prepared to begin classes at the beginning of the term, TBCC has a no late registration policy. This means that registration for credit classes must be completed before the start of each term. Students are not permitted to attend classes unless they are registered in the course.

Online Registration

  • Go to http://www.tillamookbaycc.edu and click on MyTBCC.
  • Login by entering your username and password which was emailed to the personal email you provided when applying for admission. If you don’t know your username or password, contact Student Services.
  • Click on the Add/Drop Courses link.
  • Click on Course Search to open the search box for courses offered in the desired term.
  • Add a course by checking the ADD checkbox in the left-hand column.
  • Scroll down to see and click the ADD COURSES button to add all selected courses.
  • Be sure to complete your registration before the start of each term.
  • If you encounter difficulties please check with Student Services at 503-842-8222 ext. 1100.

Dropping Courses

Prior to the published drop deadlines, students may drop any registered course by completing the official drop process. Such action by the student will result in no charges for the course or courses (or reimbursement will be made if charges have already been paid), and the course or courses will not appear on the student's transcript. Please note that even late start credit classes must be dropped by the add/drop deadline.

Dropping Courses During Registration

  • Go to MyTBCC
  • Enter your username and password
  • Click Add/Drop Courses link
  • The courses you have registered for will be listed on this screen
  • Check the DROP checkbox next to the course you plan to drop

Dropping Courses the First Week of Classes

Courses may be dropped through the first week of classes by following the steps outlined above in the section ‘Dropping Courses During Registration,’ or by filling out a Registration & Change form available from Student Services. For registration concerns, call Student Services (503) 842-8222 ext. 1100.

Official Course Withdrawal

Withdrawing will result in a grade of “W” appearing for the course or courses on your transcript. The student’s withdrawal date is based on the date that the college is provided with “official” notice of withdrawal. Official notice occurs when the Student Services Office is notified of intent to withdraw via the completion of a withdrawal form.

Withdrawing from College

You may formally withdraw from all courses by filing a withdrawal form with Student Services. If you have applied for financial aid or veterans’ benefits, you must also notify the appropriate office of your intentions to withdraw as your financial aid may be impacted.