2019-2020 College Catalog

Associate of Science in Forestry


Associate of Science in Forestry

Associate of Science in Forestry

Are you interested in the future of our forests, forest management and the political/social contexts that are affecting our forests? If so, the Associate of Science in Forestry degree is for you!  This degree is for students who are interested in a career in forestry as a professional forester, silviculturist, GIS specialist, or fire ecologist.

Upon completion of this degree, students should have completed all required pre-professional coursework to apply to Oregon State University’s professional program in the school of Forestry.  

OSU’s School of Forestry has three different degree options; Forest Management, Forest Operations Management, and Forest Restoration + Fire.  This degree directly transfers to the Forest Management option, however with a few minor changes in classes; all three options are a possibility.

For students who want to enter the workforce after completing the AS in Forestry, there are some entry-level jobs available within the Tillamook community.  One common employment option is becoming a forestry technician.

Some of the classes within this degree can be completed in high school, so if this is a degree for you, contact your high school counselor to find out which classes you could take before coming to TBCC.

Associate of Science in Forestry = 93 credits

  • See the degree worksheet on the following pages for course requirements

For additional information about this degree, please contact the OSU Open Campus Education Coordinator/TBCC Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Forestry Coordinator at 503-842-8222 ext. 1870.


Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the Associate of Science in Forestry, students will be able to:

  • Integrate technical field skills with analytical skills to identify important forest management challenges and identify potential solutions for these problems.
  • Explain and discuss important current issues, and social and political components of forest management in the United States and other countries.
  • Demonstrate basic skills in forest surveying, recreation management, soil science, geographic information systems, and spreadsheet applications.
  • Identify important tree and shrub species in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Meets general education outcomes.

Degree Worksheet

Click for PDF version.

AS Forestry_2019-2020

Degree Map

Click for PDF version.

