2018-2019 College Catalog

Requirement to Verify Questionable High School Diplomas

If TBCC has reason to believe that an applicant’s high school diploma information is inaccurate, it must verify the accuracy of that information.

Records flagged with a question of the validity of a high school diploma are resolved by the student providing an official high school transcript that is normally issued by a school to verify attendance and completion. The college uses any available means including electronic tools, telephone, and mail to determine the accuracy of a student’s high school records. Resources that may be checked are:

  • State Department of Education in the state in which high school is located,
  • Companies that determine validity of foreign high school diplomas,
  • Other institutions of higher education, and
  • Membership organizations that evaluate the validity of high schools

Findings will be documented and recorded as part of the student record. Student self-certification of completion is not considered a credible source and will not be accepted.

Conflicting data will impact a student’s eligibility in various ways including, but not limited to, enrollment, financial aid, and program acceptance. TBCC requires the applicant to provide adequate documentation to resolve the conflict in order to be admitted as a regular student.