Overview and Degree Map

Note: Transcripted as Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Administration
Business Administration
Business administration professionals play an important role in the local, state, and national economy. Virtually all companies, businesses, and public institutions employ people who are trained in some aspect of business administration including areas such as accounting, business management, retail service, and computer applications. If you enjoy working with, and tracking, numbers and financial information, or see yourself as a supervisor in a business setting, this may be the program for you. Students have the option to choose either an emphasis with coursework in Accounting or Management.
Business Administration Degree - Online
100% of the courses to earn a Business Administration degree are taught online, conveniently allowing you to learn anywhere, anytime you have an internet connection. This is an excellent choice for people with a work or life schedule that requires the flexibility an online degree can afford you.
AAS degree in Business Administration: 90 - 91 credits.
All degree candidates must meet Comprehensive Requirements, and the AAS degree requirements.
The AAS degree in Business Administration has two career pathway certificates and a one-year certificate.
- All courses count toward the degree.
- Certificates are good for people who want to get a job sooner or for those who want to improve their skills.
- Accounting Clerk One-Year Certificate – 47 Credits
- Bookkeepers who perform bank reconciliations, journalizing, posting, worksheets, accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll.
- Clerical duties such as typing and filing.
- Entry-Level Accounting Clerk Career Pathway Certificate – 14 credits
- Work as accounting or bookkeeping clerks; support finance functions in company or institution.
- Basic Computer Literacy Career Pathway Certificate – 13 Credits
- Use basic computer applications in business operations.
- Have a working knowledge of Word, Excel and other MS Office Applications.
TBCC guarantees, at a minimum, the following courses each quarter for the completion of the Associate of Applied Science: Business Administration.
A student can transfer in or take other courses that meet the requirements.
Year 1
Fall Term
BA 101 | Introduction to Business | 4 |
BA 111 | Introduction to Accounting | 3 |
CAS 133 | Basic Computer Skills/Microsoft Off | 4 |
CG 100 | College Survival and Success | 3 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 14 |
Winter Term
BA 131 | Introduction to Business Technology | 4 |
BA 211 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
HST 203 | History of the United States from 1914 | 4 |
WR 121 | English Composition I | 4 |
CAS 170 | Beginning Excel | 3 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 18 |
Spring Term
BA 205 | Business Communication | 4 |
BA 212 | Principles of Accounting II | 3 |
MTH 70 | Introductory Algebra | 4 |
| | |
CAS 216 | Beginning MS Word | 3 |
| or | |
CAS 171 | Intermediate Excel | 3 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 14 |
Year 2
Fall Term
BA 285 | Human Relations in Organizations | 3 |
CAS 121 | Beginning Keyboarding | 3 |
EC 201 | Principles of Economics: Microeconomics | 4 |
| | |
BA 206 | Management Fundamentals | 3 |
| or | |
BA 177 | Payroll Accounting | 3 |
| | |
BA 250 | Small Business Management | 3 |
| or | |
BA 228 | Computer Accounting Applications | 3 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Winter Term
COMM 111 | Public Speaking | 4 |
G 201 | Introduction to Physical Geology | 4 |
BA 226 | Business Law I | 4 |
| | |
BA 223 | Principles of Marketing | 4 |
| or | |
BA 222 | Financial Management | 3 |
| | |
BA 224 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
| or | |
BA 256 | Income Tax | 3 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 18-19 |
Spring Term
BA 213 | Managerial Accounting | 4 |
BA 277 | Business Ethics | 4 |
BA 280 | Cooperative Education - Business Experience | 3 |
| | |
BA 290M | Business Seminar - Management | 3 |
| or | |
BA 290A | Business Seminar - Accounting | 3 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 14 |
*Emphasis area courses defined with (A) Accounting or (M) Management.
Business Administration Certificate Requirements
The courses in the Career Pathways certificates and in the one- year certificate all count toward the AAS in Business Administration. If you complete a certificate, you are on your way to the degree!
Basic Computer Literacy, Career Pathway Certificate 13 credits
Entry-level Accounting Clerk, Career Pathway Certificate 14 credits
BA 101 | Introduction to Business | 4 |
BA 131 | Introduction to Business Technology | 4 |
BA 111 | Introduction to Accounting | 3 |
BA 228 | Computer Accounting Applications | 3 |
BA 111: Students who have completed high school bookkeeping or have had work experience with full-cycle bookkeeping responsibilities should substitute an approved business elective and start the accounting series with BA 211.
One-year Accounting Clerk Certificate: 47 Credits
BA 101 | Introduction to Business | 4 |
BA 111 | Introduction to Accounting | 3 |
BA 177 | Payroll Accounting | 3 |
BA 205 | Business Communication | 4 |
BA 211 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
BA 212 | Principles of Accounting II | 3 |
BA 228 | Computer Accounting Applications | 3 |
BA 285 | Human Relations in Organizations | 3 |
BA 131 | Introduction to Business Technology | 4 |
CAS 121 | Beginning Keyboarding | 3 |
WR 121 | English Composition I | 4 |
BA 111: Students who have completed high school bookkeeping or have had work experience with full-cycle bookkeeping responsibilities should substitute an approved business elective and start the accounting series with BA 211.
CAS 121: Students can challenge CAS 121. A passing score is defined as 45+ WPM with 92% or better accuracy for a 3-minute timing. Get more information at Student Services (503) 842-8222, ext. 1100.
AND 10 credits of electives:
Choose one of the following three credit courses: 3 credits
Choose one of the following four credit courses: 4 credits
EC 201 | Principles of Economics: Microeconomics | 4 |
EC 202 | Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics | 4 |
Choose one elective: